The Wellness Team at SNU
In March of 2020, even as the global pandemic brought an unprecedented halt to SNU’s on-campus activities and classes, the university’s COVID-19 Task Force was hard at work. This team – made up of SNU’s healthcare professionals, and a number of administrators and department leaders – was formed to ensure that the university’s response was swift and effective, while also planning ahead for the anticipated return of students for the fall semester.
SNU’s Student Health Center, led by Angie Hattler, R.N., and facilitated by consulting physician, Ami Siems-Dillard, M.D., was an integral part of the Task Force, focusing on ensuring that each member of the campus family had the best possible environment for maintaining health and wellness. Through the Center, students, faculty and staff have access to supplies, testing and health education to prevent disease transmission, as well as very minimal, “at cost,” treatment and medications for a wide variety of conditions, including COVID-19.
Hattler said, “Our emphasis since the return of students has been to educate them on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and, hopefully, avoid exposure.” “We want them to understand that it’s vitally important they let us know when they’re experiencing any flu-like symptoms so we can do an accurate, rapid-result test and help them get well as quickly as possible, regardless of whether it’s COVID-19, or not – just don’t be afraid to find out and get help early on,” she emphasized.

The Student Health Center at SNU provides a wide variety of services to the campus family, including primary medical care and a number of laboratory tests, prescription refills and more – and they offer a range of over-the-counter medications at no cost, as needed for treatment. With the university’s close relationship to “Dr. Ami,” who sees patients at the campus several hours each week, and is accessible for needs at other times, the Center is a valuable resource for SNU’s continued emphasis on wellness and maintaining a healthy campus.
To learn more about this important resource at SNU, visit Student Health Center at SNU.
Weathering the Storm – Building Character Through Service
For approximately 480 student athletes on the campus of Southern Nazarene University, the suspension of all sports competition in the fall semester was disappointing, at best, but especially so for the senior athletes. The difficult decision was made by the Great American Conference schools in the face of costly restrictions and guidelines handed down for all NCAA member schools, regardless of Division. But, when word of the cancellation came, it was met by the Crimson Storm with a full resolve to use the challenge as an opportunity – an opportunity to rise up to the challenge and show character and commitment – through service opportunities, creative team activities and greater campus involvement.
With athletic interactions greatly limited, coaches and players are thoughtfully and carefully using valuable times that are allowed for practice, conditioning and drills to get the most out of these previously ‘ordinary’ times together. The unique challenge to motivate without the prospect of competition has coaches working to create character-building opportunities for personal growth through service to others, creative team building times together and more time for student life activities.
Working together, the staffs of Athletics and Student Life at SNU are using this unprecedented amount of time available to student athletes to more deeply involve them in service opportunities on campus and in the community. SNU’s Athletic Director, Danny Thomason, said, “Service is a huge part of Athletics at SNU and we are always looking for opportunities for our student athletes to be involved in service projects – but still be safe as they serve in meaningful ways.”

“Our Student Life team here at SNU has been a great partner in helping our athletes understand possibilities to fit right into student groups and service organizations they normally might not have time to join,” he explained.
Thomason expressed how proud he was of the student athletes as they have shown their commitment to SNU and the Storm during these challenging times; and that pride extends to all of the coaching staff, as well. Thomason said, “Every coach made it his or her mission to follow up with each student to keep them encouraged about the return to campus, and give them the best possible collegiate experience, regardless of the circumstances.”
To learn more about Athletics at Southern Nazarene University, visit SNU Athletics.